Zach Glass


Zach is a scientist (PhD student in bioengineering), who happens to have read a ton of fantasy novels, and thus was called upon to bring the Nerd to the creation of TOAFN. His qualifications for working on this project include: Has read many many many fantasy / scifi novels, has played many many video games, has watched a fair share of fantasy and scifi movies and tv shows, and has dabbled in D&D. Currently try-hard gold league Protoss, NA server, in SC2. As there are no relevant personal links to contribute, here is a a brief acknowledgement: The web presences of Brandon Sanderson, the Marek vs Wyshynski podcast, and Day[9] have all reinforced the message “If you want to make something happen, put in the effort, do the work, and make it happen yourself”. He has never met any of those people, but their awesome work inspired a large part of the effort that moved this project from a far-fetched idea to where it is today. Thank you for your inspiration, your stuff is awesome.

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