Got a certain mood or theme you're looking for in audio fiction? Check out our collections to find your next completed audio fiction fix!
From Skynet to HAL9000, synthetic sentience was supposed to make our lives better. Yeah, right.
Dungeon crawls, underground cities, critters below us, and other tales from underground.
Children's tales, YA stories, and other shows designed for kids. Of all ages!
Stories of monsters, fey folk, cryptids living with us today.
All the "to be listened to" stories in our curator's queue.
Sitcoms, soap operas, police procedurals, fake reality shows, and other types of storytelling popularized on the small screen.
High-tech meets the street. Sometimes dystopian, sometimes hopeful. But always tech unleashed not for, but by the people.
Tales of the grind, making the bacon, office romance, and generally celebrating(?) capitalism, baby!
Dramatizations and complete fabrications from history.
Found footage, taped confessions, and other "Hey, read this" tales.
Fictional investigations, spoof true cime series, crime fiction, and other deep-dives into things that sound very true, but aren't.
Murder mysteries, who-done-its, and other ways to find out who killed Mr. Body.
Stories of alien abduction, visitors from the stars, ancient aliens, and things that go "pew-pew" in the night.
Think magazines, other periodicals, or collections of short stories—but in audio.
Wormholes, police boxes, ancient tomes, and other explorations of jumping around in time.
Stories of wizards, witches, warlocks and other users of magic.
Tales of Kris Kringle, snow men, and other Christmas-inspired tales.
Romance, romcoms, Hallmark shows, and other tales of love and relationships.
Stories about vacations, road trips, and travel to exotic lands.
Space operas, galactic warfare, and journeys to the farthest reaches of the universe.
Musicals and other audio fiction shows with heavy use of original music in the production.
Westerns, stories from the trails, and other stories of the Old West, New West, and even other worlds that feel like Westerns.
Ghost stories, vampires, and tales of other things that go bump in the night!
Plays from Shakespeare and other classics in audio fiction form.
Stories with one or more characters dealing with mental health issues.
Apocalyptic and post-civilization tales that show life goes on.
Political thrillers, epic sagas, and other tales of political intrigue.
Queer-forward stories of any genre, really.
Radio plays and audio dramas done in the style of radio performances, often with a modern twist.
Featured recommendations of fiction podcasts, audio dramas, or audiobooks created by people of color.
Audiobooks and other mostly-narrated stories, often with audio elements that enhance the story.
When playing a game—machine, tabletop, puzzlebox 😱—is central to the plot.
Stories or trees, forests, and what dwells within.
Tales of cosmic, Eldritch, and Lovecraftian horror.
Stories featuring ghost hunters, paranormal investigators, or those who's job it is to seek out things that go bump in the night.
Stories where some sort of recorder—tape, digital, wax cylinder—is the primary vehicle that tells the story.
Tales of zombies, shamblers, walkers, the undead, and other mindless creatures. 🧟
Stories of isolation, lonlineness, and the way a single person entertains themself.
Spy thrillers and other stories featuring espionage, secret agents, and tales of other shadowy figures plotting and scheming.
Featured recommendations of fiction podcasts, audio dramas, or audiobooks that posted their final (or finale) episode in 2024 as curated by Evo Terra.
Stories about, from, or inspired by Ireland and the Irish.
Featured recommendations of fiction podcasts, audio dramas, or audiobooks that posted their final (or finale) episodes in 2023 as curated by Evo Terra.
Featured recommendations of fiction podcasts, audio dramas, or audiobooks that posted their final (or finale) episodes in 2022 as curated by Evo Terra.