ISSUE #50 | published Aug 17, 2023
A Fresh Load of Finished Audio Fiction!
Prestige & The Lesser Dead + 4 complete series, 2 season finales, and 4 new seasons coming soon! 🎧😄
Note: You are viewing an archived newsletter. Some, if not all, of the show statuses in this ssue may have been updated since this was first published . So when looking at "this week" and "next week" content or reading the next paragraph, keep that in mind. It's not an error. It's the passage of time.
I know I'm doing a good job with the newsletter when a fellow newsletter-about-podcasts editor tells me her father is a big fan of my newsletter. Hi, Shreya's dad!
Rumor has it that the economy is improving. If that's the case for you, perhaps it's a great time to become a supporter of The End? I'd appreciate it greatly. I spend about 15–20 hours each week on curation efforts. I love it, so I'm not complaining. But if you're able to contribute to the efforts, I'd love it even more!
If you (like me) have yet to see much in the way of economic recovery—you can still help by forwarding this email to few dozen of your friends and family members who love fiction. That's always nice.
Let's get to the stories for this week, shall we?
- Evo