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Added to The End Last Week

A 7-day look-back at the shows that made their debut appearance in our directory of finished audio fiction.

Updated in the Last Week

We strive to keep you updated when shows in our directory reach another season finale. Or complete their full series run. Or have started a new crowdfunding campaign. Even smaller changes, like new artwork, a refreshed show description, or other changes you may be interested in.

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More Seasons Starting Next Week

A 7-day look ahead at the shows in the directory that will soon start releasing episodes of a new season, so you can catch up if you want to start listening along as they are released by the creator. (Which I think is crazy, but you do you!

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Those were all the directory updates from the prior week.

If you love these updates, please consider supporting my efforts by becoming a supporter of The End! It’s dirt cheap and makes a huge difference!

That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Thursday!

— Evo
