Welcome to December! Our 🎄is up, the gifts are wrapped, and baking has commenced here at The End HQ.
My gift to you? A slew of complete fiction podcasts to keep you occupied as you do your last-month-of-the-year activities.
Before we get to the tales—a quick shout-out to our newest collaborating sponsor, The Big Minute! Dive into a new podcast every Sunday, and uncover what makes their audio stand out.
Let's get to the stories!
- Evo
Get a fresh selection of finished audio fiction like this emailed to you every Thursday!
If you love audio dramas, fiction podcasts, audiobooks, radio plays, and more—we want to be your new home on the free and open social web!
Podvibes is a free-to-join Mastodon instance populated by fiction podcasters and fans. Come join us, and leave the drama of for-profit social media behind!
Those were all the directory updates from the prior week.
If you love these updates, please consider supporting my efforts by becoming a supporter of The End! It’s dirt cheap and makes a huge difference!
That’s it from The End for this week. See you next Thursday!
— Evo