ISSUE #24 | published Feb 16, 2023
Happy Listening to These Finished Fiction Selections!
Dirty Diana & Old Gods of Appalachia, +7 more recently completed works of audio fiction & 1 with a new season coming soon!
Note: You are viewing an archived newsletter. Some, if not all, of the show statuses in this ssue may have been updated since this was first published . So when looking at "this week" and "next week" content or reading the next paragraph, keep that in mind. It's not an error. It's the passage of time.
Well, my day started out great! First, I woke to an email from a very happy audio fiction creator who credits their recent appearance in The End to a big surge in new listeners. Woot!
Then I realized that the excellent podcast critic Gavin Gaddis has been an individual supporter for three months how, and I never credited them! So thanks, Gavin! I added you to the credits section. Sorry for the delay.
I'm also rethinking how I do support levels, so if you have ideas or something you'd be interested in, hit that reply button and let me know.
Finally, I remind you that The End Last Week, This Week, And Next Week is the companion podcast to this newsletter. You might like it.
Let's get started!
- Evo