Ask Your Father

Dramatized scifi drama romance thriller series
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.


Lem, a human, and Mikey, an A.I., are piloting the first ever faster-than-light speed ship when they find themselves twice as far as they meant to go, and without any fuel for a return flight. The two of them communicate with Earth using tiny faster-than-light-speed drives, which carry information for Mikey and questions for Lem from his kids. As they work together to solve the problem, they forge a friendship that could change the course of human history, all while trying to answer the question “how did this happen?” And more importantly… “Why?”

Creator notes:

Submitter notes:


Curator notes:

I dig the concept and the execution. But most of all, I love the non-Hollywood but better-than-human ending!


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Last finale/final episode published Apr 04, 2024
Directory listing last updated Aug 29, 2024
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