In the bustling metropolis of Apex City, lives heroes, villains, and everyone in between. Two courageous heroes, the former Ratlad Beck Wayward (Brendan Connors) and up-and-coming superhero Donny Dennis (Nick Connors) attempt to do the impossible, and interview some of them in this superhero improv comedy podcast!
In the bustling metropolis of Apex City, lives heroes, villains, and everyone in between. Two courageous heroes, the former Ratlad Beck Wayward (Brendan Connors) and up-and-coming superhero Donny Dennis (Nick Connors) attempt to do the impossible, and interview some of them in this superhero improv comedy podcast!
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(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)