
Narrated scifi horror audiobook
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Some places are far darker than deep space. Places where the shadows smile. Where men go mad and lovers go missing. These stygian corners of existence are where reality is stretched thin and something hungry is waiting just outside the corner of your eye.

Turn out the lights, take a deep breath, and dare to visit one of these places.

Crescent is dark science fiction at it’s most visceral. Phil Rossi weaves a tale that is reminiscent of old school Stephen King but with a shiny, new set of tricks and an appetite to terrify. There’s sex. There’s corruption. There’s horror. And after you sweat your way through the first chapter, there’s plenty more to keep you awake at night.

Crescent features an original soundtrack written and performed by the author.

“… what is right now, my addiction -- Crescent. I’m waiting to see what happens with the freakin’ story. *I* do this to people, other people don’t do this to me!” -- Scott Sigler, author of Infested (Infection), Earthcore, and Ancestor.

"If you’re debating about subscribing to Crescent, I’ve got one question: Why are you hesitating? Just push the button that says “Subscribe” and hold on. This podcast is part Babylon 5, part Firefly, and part Blade Runner… only darker." -- Tee Morris, Author of Morevi, Billibub Baddings and the Case of the Singing Sword, and co-author of Podcasting for Dummies.

"The writing is great, the reading is first class; the production - the use of atmospheric music and ambient sound like crowd noise is really effective." -- Mike Bennett, author of One Among the Sleepless.

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Last finale/final episode published Aug 06, 2008
Directory listing last updated Nov 27, 2024
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