Dorktales Storytime

Narrated kids stories with a geekish twist
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Show synopsis

Be the hero of your own story with Dorktales Storytime, the award-winning podcast for kids and their pop culture loving grownups. Enter their Once Upon a Time world where hosts, Jonathan Cormur and Mr. Reginald T. Hedgehog, take you on a storytelling journey of curiosity and acceptance. You’ll explore reimagined fairytales and fables with social emotional themes, discover inspiring stories of history’s hidden heroes, and experience imaginary tales of boundless possibilities.

Recipients of the Common Sense Media Seal of Excellence, “a symbol of the highest editorial standards for overall quality based on diversity, impactful themes, and positive messages and role models.

Creator comments

Submitter notes

A Signal Award winning podcast by neurodivergent creators selected by Common Sense Media and Apple Podcasts for “outstanding entertainment that has been recognized with an official seal for quality and impact.
Last finale/final episode published Dec 19, 2024
Directory listing last updated Jan 09, 2025
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