Ed Falco On the Air

Narrated scifi audiobook
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.

Show synopsis

When Severn Price awakens during a violent storm to find his wife dead beside him in bed, he ventures out for help, only to find himself in the midst of an apocolypse that wipes out the Earth’s human population—except for him and a few others who escape the purge. In the months that follow, they encounter aliens who look and behave like the humans they’ve replaced. Though the aliens who have repopulated Earth are peaceful, they bring with them something fierce and savage that the human survivors will have to face and defeat if they don’t want to be the last of their species.

An e-book edition of The Strangers is available from Amazon and other online bookstores.

Creator comments

Submitter notes

An experiment in alternatives to traditional publishing, and an attempt to reinvent the serialized novel for the podcast age.
Last finale/final episode published Jan 03, 2025
Directory listing last updated Mar 19, 2025
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