From the Bay of Fangs is a Flintlock Fantasy audio drama anthology featuring the action-packed reports of the Hunters of Fenblith’s Hunts on the immortal Beasts terrorising humanity. The first part of the transmedia project Hunting Darkness, it introduces many of the themes and story elements that will be expanded upon in the coming months and years.
From the Bay of Fangs is a Flintlock Fantasy audio drama anthology featuring the action-packed reports of the Hunters of Fenblith’s Hunts on the immortal Beasts terrorising humanity. The first part of the transmedia project Hunting Darkness, it introduces many of the themes and story elements that will be expanded upon in the coming months and years.
If any of the details on this page are incorrect or need to be updated, please let us know!
(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)