
Dramatized horror comedy series
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.

Show synopsis

Hannahpocalypse is the fourth wall breaking hopepunk comedy/horror audio drama that follows the last zombie, Hannah, who’s ‘living’ her best unlife over 150 years after the zombie apocalypse has come and gone. All the while Cali, a scout from a thriving settlement looks to make a mark on the world but is coming up bust. Destined to collide, zombie and human will be forced into an unlikely friendship amid a wasteland full of killer robots left over from the ‘bad old days’.

It’s a story of love, death, and a girl who eats people.

Cast and Crew: Amanda Hufford as Hannah, Abigail Turner as Cali, Jordan Rudolph as Mel, Tom Shalk as Rictor, Lagarto, Will Handford as Bogart, Jameson and others, Yenni Ann as Ashley, James Holyeoke as Billy, Leslie Gideon as Morgan,. Guest Voices by Luke Alphonso, Kenneth Faircloth Jr., Ryan Hoyle, Sarah Golding, Kristi Boulton, Ginger Sue, John Patneade and more!

Script Editor - KR (Anonymous). Sensitivity Reader (Season One) - Mak Shepard. Writing and Sound Design by Damian Szydlo. Directed by Amanda Hufford & Damian Szydlo. Produced by Red Fathom Entertainment.

Though Hannahpocalyse does not endeavor to be offensive or overly graphic it is rated explicit due to language (swearing), dark humor, cinematic violence and possibly triggering themes. The Wild Wasteland can be a tough place but we will always attempt to keep our all listeners from harm and unnecessary discomfort. That said, it is wise to consider the show Rated R and thus not suitable for children - listener discretion is advised.

Creator comments

Submitter notes

Last finale/final episode published Mar 10, 2023
Directory listing last updated Feb 28, 2025
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