Joys and Splendors is a three-episode audio drama set in the Ottawa of an uneasy near-future, following the cat-and-mouse political intrigue of a soldier and a spy attempting to survive in a Canada devastated by war and greed. Through the eyes of these two sides of one coin, the story asks: do some deserve a nice life, or do all deserve a good life?
Joys and Splendors was written by Kate Werneburg and directed by Mary Ellis. It stars Maryse Fernandes as “Nina” and Ben Sanders as “Patrick”. The sound designer is Michael Wanless, and the Associate Producer is JR Williams. Joys and Splendors is produced by Winterbird Arts and presented by TACTICS Theatre Group.
Joys and Splendors is a three-episode audio drama set in the Ottawa of an uneasy near-future, following the cat-and-mouse political intrigue of a soldier and a spy attempting to survive in a Canada devastated by war and greed. Through the eyes of these two sides of one coin, the story asks: do some deserve a nice life, or do all deserve a good life?
Joys and Splendors was written by Kate Werneburg and directed by Mary Ellis. It stars Maryse Fernandes as “Nina” and Ben Sanders as “Patrick”. The sound designer is Michael Wanless, and the Associate Producer is JR Williams. Joys and Splendors is produced by Winterbird Arts and presented by TACTICS Theatre Group.
If any of the details on this page are incorrect or need to be updated, please let us know!
(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)