Mockery Manor

Dramatized comedy mystery series
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.

Show synopsis

Summer, 1989, somewhere in deepest darkest England. Mockery Manor is a theme park where people disappear, and it’s up to a pair of chaotic teenage twins to catch a killer.

British Podcast Awards 'Best Fiction’ Nominee 2020. If you like Hot Fuzz, The White Lotus and Scream, then Mockery Manor is for you.

Mockery Manor is a full-cast production best enjoyed using headphones.

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Fans say...

Evo Terra: "This show is a joy to listen to. Which is an odd thing to say about a murder mystery, I know! Exquisitely produced. Incredibly well-acted. And just the right amount of absurdity."

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Last finale/final episode published Nov 17, 2023
Directory listing last updated Nov 12, 2024
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