Rebel Robin: Surviving Hawkins

Dramatized fictional spinoff
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.

Show synopsis

October, 1983. There’s a monster lurking in Hawkins, Indiana. Chewing people up, spitting them out, changing them in terrible ways. Yet for some reason, everyone is acting like it’s all perfectly normal. Except for Robin Buckley. She alone knows exactly what this monster’s name is: Hawkins High School.Starring Maya Hawke as Robin and Sean Maher as her favorite teacher, Mr. Hauser, Surviving Hawkins is the podcast companion to the YA novel, Stranger Things: Rebel Robin, by A.R. Capetta.Written and Directed by Lauren Shippen.

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Submitter notes

It's a canon expansion of the Stranger Things universe and features two queer leads!

Fans say...

Fans say...

Evo Terra: "Backstories and spinoffs aren't something I normally go for. But when the production values and talent are this good, I'll make an exception. If you loved the TV series, you'll want this in your ears."

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Last finale/final episode published Aug 03, 2021
Directory listing last updated May 09, 2024
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