In this audio drama, a group of alumnae from the mysterious St. Mary’s School band together to untangle the memories of their childhoods. Afflicted with the stigmata, the girls were abandoned by their parents and left at St. Mary’s, where a myriad of spooky occurrences left them with more questions than answers. They’ll have to work together to finally make sense of the past.
In this audio drama, a group of alumnae from the mysterious St. Mary’s School band together to untangle the memories of their childhoods. Afflicted with the stigmata, the girls were abandoned by their parents and left at St. Mary’s, where a myriad of spooky occurrences left them with more questions than answers. They’ll have to work together to finally make sense of the past.
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(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)