In this sci-fi, dystopian tale of survival, we follow Ace as he scavenges for his existence in a massive, underground bunker. An outcast, he’s always on the run from security forces, AI robots, and mutant creatures. Alone in this world, his only desire is to escape Subterra and see the sun for the first time in his life… But what is waiting for him on the surface?
In this sci-fi, dystopian tale of survival, we follow Ace as he scavenges for his existence in a massive, underground bunker. An outcast, he’s always on the run from security forces, AI robots, and mutant creatures. Alone in this world, his only desire is to escape Subterra and see the sun for the first time in his life… But what is waiting for him on the surface?
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(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)