Philip Austin, one of America's great comedy writer/performers and one quarter of the Firesign Theatre, was the editor and main contributor of an alternate-universe 1930s-era New Yorker that never was. Influenced in equal parts by the noir of Hammett, the deeply personal short stories of Saroyan, and the barn-burning surrealism of the Marx Brothers, he wrote stories of The Old Detective, a shamus who hung out in a tatty pink-plaster bungalow telling tales of exotic babes shooting craps in a barrel; mountaineers who work laterally across miles of urban city streets; mobsters who want to control the Earth by controlling the moon and therefore women; and an auto industry leader named C. William (Bob) Heeblehauser who's invented a car that runs on the smog of the car in front of it. Phil recorded this audiobook version of his stories in 1995. A must-have for anyone who's enjoyed his work in or out of the Firesign Theatre.