Set in 1940s Hollywood, this comedic film noir mystery follows hardboiled private eye Ford Phillips and his feisty, fast-talking partner Fig Wineshine as they delve into the seedy underbelly of Tinsel Town while trying to solve the murder of famed novelist-turned-screenwriter F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Featuring a coterie of wacky characters - including real actors and public figures from the time - and original musical numbers, The Case of The Greater Gatsby turns historical fiction and genre tropes into a twisty, hilarious romp.
Set in 1940s Hollywood, this comedic film noir mystery follows hardboiled private eye Ford Phillips and his feisty, fast-talking partner Fig Wineshine as they delve into the seedy underbelly of Tinsel Town while trying to solve the murder of famed novelist-turned-screenwriter F. Scott Fitzgerald.
Featuring a coterie of wacky characters - including real actors and public figures from the time - and original musical numbers, The Case of The Greater Gatsby turns historical fiction and genre tropes into a twisty, hilarious romp.
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(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)