The Corwin Cycle aired over WNYC between May and September of 1942. The program marked the first time a station devoted a series entirely to a revival of the works of a single radio writer. The plays were originally produced and broadcast the previous year for the CBS Series 26 By Corwin. On view here are what have survived from a larger set.
Corwin collaborator Joel O'Brien directed most of the WNYC series along with assistance from station drama director Mitchell Grayson. Norman Corwin had no direct connection with these productions. The shows received an honorable mention by Ohio State's Institute for Education by Radio.
Special thanks to the Norman Corwin Papers, Special Collections Research Center of the Syracuse University Libraries for making these files available to us.
The Corwin Cycle aired over WNYC between May and September of 1942. The program marked the first time a station devoted a series entirely to a revival of the works of a single radio writer. The plays were originally produced and broadcast the previous year for the CBS Series 26 By Corwin. On view here are what have survived from a larger set.
Corwin collaborator Joel O'Brien directed most of the WNYC series along with assistance from station drama director Mitchell Grayson. Norman Corwin had no direct connection with these productions. The shows received an honorable mention by Ohio State's Institute for Education by Radio.
Special thanks to the Norman Corwin Papers, Special Collections Research Center of the Syracuse University Libraries for making these files available to us.
If any of the details on this page are incorrect or need to be updated, please let us know!
(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)