The Count of Monte Cristo

Dramatized historical fiction series
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Show synopsis

After a fateful meeting abroad, the enigmatic Count of Monte Cristo arrives in Paris to establish a new life. Though he soon becomes a cornerstone of high society, mysterious and tragic happenings quickly follow - threatening the Parisian upper class in unimaginable ways. As star-crossed lovers, scheming sycophants, and ambitious criminals strive for what they think they deserve, questions arise about Paris’ new, fabulously wealthy resident. Not just about why the Count of Monte Cristo has come to Paris, but about the secrets that lurk behind his inscrutable facade.

Creator comments

Submitter notes

Shortlisted by major festivals and awards for bringing the diverse ensemble of the novel to the forefront of this modern, class-focused adaptation.
Last finale/final episode published Nov 19, 2024
Directory listing last updated Nov 19, 2024
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