The Dinner Party

Dramatized historical fiction series
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Chiyo Matsutani is a young college student in San Francisco and Hiro Fujimoto has nearly paid off the loan on his Sacramento farm. Both are American citizens when they’re rounded up in 1942 and sent to an incarceration camp where they meet, fall in love, and marry.

But when they’re released three years later, Hiro’s farm - like the property of so many Japanese Americans - has been seized. They take the only jobs available to them, as housekeeper and gardener for a wealthy family in Oakland where they face casual racism, harassment, and an unending future of dreary servitude.

Based on a true story, this tale of love and resistance is a look behind the curtain at the resilience, humor, and community it took to survive at a time when "American" didn't apply to all citizens.

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Director and majority of cast are Japanese-Americans telling a story about the Japanese American incarceration and post-war America.

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Last finale/final episode published Sep 25, 2023
Directory listing last updated May 14, 2024
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