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A fanmade dramatic audio reproduction of an episode of the original Shadow radio show.
Murder mysteries, who-done-its, and other ways to find out who killed Mr. Body.
Radio plays and audio dramas done in the style of radio performances, often with a modern twist.
Single-episode stories. Some long. Some short. But only one episode. That's it.
Superheroes, metahumans, and other people who are litereally better than you.
A serial killer known as The Harvester terrorizes Gotham City, but Batman is not coming to the rescue. With Batman missing in action, Detective Barbara Gordon is left with no other choice but to seek help from Gotham’s second smartest detective: The Riddler.
With a target on his head, the charming yet deadly Edward Nygma, better known as The Riddler, is forced to break out of Arkham Asylum and team up with the Caped Crusader. The unlikely duo must solve the mystery before they too, become victims.
Gotham City comes to lurid life in the theater of your mind…with a sensational pageant of technicolor villainy unlike any other on Earth. Mafioso Penguins. Thieving Catwomen. Terrorist Riddlers. Killing Jokers…a city where some problems can only be solved by a billionaire in a bat costume.