The Timekeeper is a four-episode horror/thriller audio drama that follows 17-year-old Charlie and his best friends, Gama and Zoe, as they’re pulled into a life and death version of a video game called 13 Keys.
The Timekeeper is a Heart Starts Pounding production featuring Judah Lewis, Chandler Kinney, and Arjun Athalye.
Executive Produced by Judah Lewis, Kaelyn Moore, and Matthew A Brown.
The Timekeeper is a four-episode horror/thriller audio drama that follows 17-year-old Charlie and his best friends, Gama and Zoe, as they’re pulled into a life and death version of a video game called 13 Keys.
The Timekeeper is a Heart Starts Pounding production featuring Judah Lewis, Chandler Kinney, and Arjun Athalye.
Executive Produced by Judah Lewis, Kaelyn Moore, and Matthew A Brown.
If any of the details on this page are incorrect or need to be updated, please let us know!
(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)