The Unseen World begins with Miri, a former physics student with a deep awareness of the world around her, trying to come to terms with life. Her ensuing journey through a maze of parallel universes, and the relationships she forms along the way, transform her understanding of the nature of matter, and of what actually matters. Often hilarious, frequently poignant, occasionally bawdy, and always surprising, The Unseen World is a raucous ride that is part Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, part Rocky Horror Picture Show, part Tommy yet completely original.
The Unseen World begins with Miri, a former physics student with a deep awareness of the world around her, trying to come to terms with life. Her ensuing journey through a maze of parallel universes, and the relationships she forms along the way, transform her understanding of the nature of matter, and of what actually matters. Often hilarious, frequently poignant, occasionally bawdy, and always surprising, The Unseen World is a raucous ride that is part Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, part Rocky Horror Picture Show, part Tommy yet completely original.
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(We pull much of our information from the show's RSS feed, but there are some fields we either ask of the creator/showrunner or get from our own investigations.)