Midnight Burger

Dramatized scifi comedy series
Something odd is happening with this show. It has been temporarily pulled from our directory. The show's official website linked below.


When Gloria took a waitressing job at a diner outside of Phoenix, she didn’t realize she was now an employee of Midnight Burger, a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with it’s staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar. No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there’s always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. “When the waves of the universe crash unrelentingly, when the stars seem indifferent to your plight, suddenly there is a diner.” We open at 6.

Creator notes:

Submitter notes:

Nominated for a 2024 Ambies Award for Best Fiction Podcast.

Curator notes:

Ok, now I know why people get addicted to this show and never want it to end. It *feels* like Dr. Who, though it’s not *like* Dr. Who. The writing and acting is superb. The storylines as goofy as they are poignant, though it takes a while to see the latter.


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Last finale/final episode published Nov 14, 2023
Directory listing last updated Nov 26, 2024
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